We were also contracted as the Associate Consulting firm to carry out a baseline study of herders and farmers in North-east Nigeria. This involved collection of 1,230 samples size of herders and farmers and qualitative data collection across 80 communities in the northeast.
Some of the tasks we carried out include;
- Digitize the quantitative questionnaire and deployed on electronic tablets for data collection.
- Participation in the development of the quantitative and qualitative questionnaire.
- Conducted field-based monitoring to ensure the sample size data are collected based on selected enumeration areas across 8 LGAs in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe to ensure even spread.
- Collected quantitative data of 849 livestock herders and 381 farmers sample size evenly distributed across the 8 LGAs in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe.
- Collected qualitative data by conducting Focused group discussions-FGD of herders and farmers in 80 communities and Key Informant Interview-KII.
- Developed strategy and engaged strategy in community entry leveraging on gatekeepers.
- Performed data cleaning of sample size dataset of 1,230 participants collected and upload to the dataBOOX setting the pace for data analysis.
- Engaged in mapping exercise to delineate enumeration areas in the LGAs in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe.
- Training of 125 data collection officers equipped with the necessary skills to carry out qualitative and quantitative data collection.