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BOOX Community > AgricBOOX


Activities Engaged

  • Conducted desk reviews, preliminary research and engagement with relevant stakeholders including MDAs, and private sector.
  • Collected 36 qualitative data by conducting Focused group discussions-FGD farmers in 60 communities and Key Informant Interview-KII.
  • Collected quantitative data of 1200 small holder farmers sample size evenly distributed across the locations.
  • Performed comprehensive data analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data collected from the interviews and provided a report for further decisions.
  • Conducted training of the recruited enumerators required to carry out farming household registration exercise. The enumerators were recruited from the state and local communities for ease in accessing the terrain and eliminating communication barriers.
  • Assessed and determined the project performance status.
  • Daily supervision and monitoring of collected data to ensure data QC/QA.
  • Measured and generated in depth evidence on the state of the activity.
  • Document lessons learned — both successes and shortcomings of the project.

June 14, 2022


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