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Database Management System

The database management system (DMS) will provide you with real time field based and survey data of all program actors or participants across the different coverage locations with analytical interpretation and visualization of all your data via an interactive dashboard. Field officers and program staff can collect data from any of the program locations using the mobile app and synchronize it with the DMS and it will display on the dashboard to allow the MEL to have quick grasp of all activities, track interventions provided to the actors and monitor all the performance indicators at a glance using graphs or charts. Also, the database system will allow MEL to perform functions like data disaggregation based on preference, download and upload dataset with ease.

BOOX Community


Database Management Offers

Provide real-time information of all the farmers and other actors participating in the program across locations over the program lifecycle.

Enable group formation and track all intervention given to the actors, allowing MEL to know who has collected what intervention when the intervention was given and the program officer in charge

Prevent data duplication by checking the database for records that match the user entered based on assigned duplication parameters. And also using unique identification numbers for each farmer or actor.

Monitor the performance of all the program indicators to know the status of the program.

Monitor the performance of all the program indicators to know the status of the program.

Prepare monthly or quarterly or annual reports and share with any program officer within the database system.

Allow for in-app communication (via chat or Email) with any selected program office for the ease of sharing and managing program information.

Provide robust security to keep all the data safe and compliant with industry and also allow for data backup and recovery as well as creation of accounts for all the program staff and provide different levels of access based on the staff role in the program.

The database system will eliminate the challenges around inconsistent data, missing data, invalid data and all data-related issues that water-down the efforts of the MEL department. Hence, the database system will equip the MEL with real-time insight of the entire program, inform decision-making and provide strategic direction for the entire program leveraging on data. Some of the specific features include creation of users and assign level of access assign and track intervention‚ add and monitor indicators progress‚ register and monitor farmer/actor‚ generate reports‚ create groups and assign actors to groups online‚ intervention/Training register‚ download and upload existing records Communication‚ live dashboard and charts Maps and coverage location and reach‚ create forms and data collection tools

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