About us

BOOX Community

BOOX Community is an innovative and passion-driven company with young bright minds powered with a desire to incite a change and stir up the ‘Rising Africa’ dream. We are using technology as a tool to create remarkable influence in agriculture, construction, education, social impact and ecommerce helping individuals, private and public institutions, corporate organizations and nations achieve their goals and making the world a better place.

Mobile & Web Application Development
Comprehensive Research and Consulting Services
Successful Project Implementations
Development Consultancy Services
Development Consultancy Services
Data Analysis & Interpretation
GIS & GEO Mapping Services
Financial Accounting
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Our Vision

To bring about the advancement of Africa with products and services that are globally competitive and challenge the status quo

Our Mission

To use technology and social good as a tool to impact humanity across the globe and make the world a better and safer place.

Mobile & Web Application Development

We develop for your applications that fit your requirements, defined operations or defined purpose after conducting a comprehensive needs assessment

Development Consultancy Services

We offer extensive, short and intensive training packages that enhance your skills. We also conduct training for corporate and private organizations.

Data Analysis & Interpretation

We provide data analysis services by helping organizations collect data, process or analyze data and present it to the organization or project team…

Database System design & Development

It is a real-time(online) system enabling parents to real-time on the go information from anywhere in the world on their child’s performance…

GIS & GEO Mapping Services

We provide GIS services by creating, managing, analyzing and mapping all types of data, connecting data to maps and integrating with location maps.

Financial Accounting

We can help you set up a financial accounting solution with ledgers/journals that track and manages all funds coming in and going out;

BOOX Community journey from 2019

BOOX Community journey from 2019 has been a remarkable one. It all started with a small group of dedicated individuals who shared a passion for books. 


14th Oct, 2019

The Research & Development Counsulting arm launched

13th Sept, 2021

BOOX Community and Jesnoch International Handshake

25th Jan, 2024

BOOX Community turned 5 years

25th Jan, 2019

BOOX Community was birthed

28th Feb, 2020

agricBOOX Data Collection App launched in Northeast Nigeria

28th March 2023

buildBOOX Construction Company was registered

31st Dec, 2024

BOOX Community & Extensions 5-Year Strategic Plan launched.
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Team member

BOOX Community Expert Team


Kenneth ODE

Co-Founder / Head of Operations

Olayemi JEGEDE

Head, Human Resources

Lilian UZOKA

Communications Officer

Emmanuel OGEBE

Technical Officer

Thaddeus Owunari

Head, Projects


Co-Founder / Head, Big Data Operations


Head, IT


Head, Engineering
Ogechukwu Lilian

Ogechukwu Lilian

Product Manager, SchoolBOOX
BOOX Community Program Officer

Kenneth Precious

BOOX Community Program Officer

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Abuja, Nigeria.
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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